
Терминология в логистике и на транспорте
14.07.2013 18:18

Метки (тэги, tags):


1) National Vehicle Security Register. A system for ensuring the security of vehicles used by major manufacturers - provides a security code to be etched into the vehicle windows.

Метки (тэги, tags):

Owner driver (operator)
Автор: goral   
17.07.2013 06:59

Метки (тэги, tags):

Owner driver/operator

1) Term for a one-man haulage business where the person both owns/operates the vehicle and drives it himself. Often abbreviated to o/d or (especially in USA) o/o.

Метки (тэги, tags):

17.07.2013 22:20

Метки (тэги, tags):


1) A system of control by numbers. In international road haulage, scarce permits are issued under a quota (or restricted allocation) system.

Метки (тэги, tags):

17.07.2013 22:00

Метки (тэги, tags):


1) Polyvinyl chloride. Flexible plastic-like material.

Метки (тэги, tags):

23.07.2013 08:18

Метки (тэги, tags):


1) Renault Vehicules Industriels. Renault Trucks, French manufacturer of heavy vehicles.

Метки (тэги, tags):

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