Sea passenger transport link

11.05.2012 08:03

Sea passenger transport link

1) Combination of the port of embarkment and the port of disembarkment of the passenger conveyed by sea whatever itinerary is followed.

Those ports are maritime ports (except for fluvio-maritime transports for which it may be inland waterway ports), coded with international classification systems such as UN-LOCODE (codification for ports and other places).

Those ports can be grouped according to their geographical location by using international classification systems such as NUTS (Nomenclature for Territorial Units for Statistics - EUROSTAT).

Джерело: Тлумачний англо-російсько-український словник транспортних термінів: 447 термінів. - Одеса: Вид-во ОНМУ, 2007. – С. 46 (287 с.)

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