
27.07.2013 09:51

Метки (тэги, tags):


1) Stock can be defined as: all the goods and materials stored by an organization and retained for future use. The quantity of goods between measuring points in a particular path, expressed in quantitative and/or financial terms. For example, the goods can be in a pipeline, in a warehouse or technical store, in reception, in production. Additional terms for stock are:

- All-time stock.

- Anticipation stock.

- Available stock.

- Buffer stock.

- Calculated stock.

- Capacity loading stock.

- Closing stock.

- Consignment stock.

- Cyclical stock.

- Decoupling stock.

- Economic stock.

- Effective stock.

- Free stock.

- Lot-size stock.

- Maximum stock.

- Norm stock.

- Obsolete stock.

- Opening stock.

- Physical stock.

- Pipeline stock.

- Reserved stock.

- Safety stock.

- Seasonal stock.

- Shortage stock.

- Speculation stock.

- Strategic stock.

- Surplus stock.

- Work-in-progress stock.

(Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)

Source: David Lowe. The Dictionary of Transport and Logistics. Kogan Page, 2002. – P.230-231 (288 p.)

Метки (тэги, tags):

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