
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)

consignment note

Consignment note

1) Document used in transport/delivery operations. Indicates to driver what to deliver and to whom, plus other relevant details to identify goods and any special delivery instructions.


Авиагрузовая накладная (air waybill, AWB; air consignment note)

1) перевозочный документ, удостоверяющий заключение договора перевозки между грузоотправителем и воздушным перевозчиком в междунар. сообщении.


CMR consignment note

1) Requirement of CMR operation (see above) is that a CMR consignment note is used for the whole transit and besides all other relevant details, shows the name of every carrier party to the movement (ie who each share liability proportionate to the freight charges).


Популярные тэги (tags)

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