
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Бесплатный образец (free sample)

1) экземпляр товара, передаваемый безвозмездно потенциальному покупателю, напр., во время проведения кампании по продвижению на рынок к.-л. нового товара.


Random sample cycle counting

1) A method in which the particular parts to be counted are selected from the population of part numbers in a manner that has no inherent bias. In this selection process, each part number has an equal chance of being selected. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Sample stability

1) If a sample produces a particular result, and by increasing the sample size it continues to produce the same result, the sample has stability and can be assumed to be representative of the population.


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