
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Запасы (stock inventory) 

1) часть активов фирмы в виде сырья, материалов, незавершенного производства и конечных продуктов. Интенсивность, с которой фирмы накапливают и истощают свои запасы, влияет на колебания экономической активности.


Запас (stock)

1) величина, значения которой соответствуют определенным моментам времени.


Contingency stock

1) Stock held to cover potential system failure situations which can be mathematically modelled. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Maximum stock

1) The upper limit, expressed in quantitative, financial or time-based terms, to which the stock of an item should normally be allowed to rise. (Source: ILTSupply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Allocated stock

1) A part that has been reserved, but not yet withdrawn or issued from stock, and is thus not available for other purposes.


All-time stock

1) The stock resulting from the assessment of an all-time requirement and delivery of an all-time order. If necessary, controls can be set for such stock to avoid consumption of items for reasons over and above those for which usage was predicted.


Finished goods stock

1) Stock that is available for supply to an external consumer, including items that have been supplied but not invoiced to an external consumer. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Consignment stock

1) The stock of goods held by an external customer which is still the property of the supplier but for which payment is only made when stock is sold or used by the customer. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Effective stock

1) The sum of the physical stock of a particular product and the quantity of that product ordered for a particular period, but not yet received. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Economic stock

1) The sum of the physical stock and the goods ordered but not yet received, minus the goods sold but not yet delivered for which a company carries risk in respect of a drop in price and unmarketability. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


ABC метод, правило 20 на 80 (ABC method; ABC stock control)

1) способ контроля за состоянием запасов, заключающийся в разбиении всех потребляемых пром. пр-тием материалов, реализуемой торговым предприятием продукции натри неравномощных подмн-ва А, В и С (AuBuC=N; AnBnC=0, где N - вся номенклатура потребляемых материалов или реализуемой продукции). Критериями отнесения продукции к одному из названных подмн-в могут быть, напр., объем потребления производственного (для запасов производственных), объем продаж (для запасов товарных), частота спроса.



Redundant stock

1) Parts used in manufacture which have been removed from a bill of material by technical change or modification action. Redundant parts may also be obsolete if they are no longer used for any other application in the inventory concerned. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


De-coupling stock

1) Inventory accumulated between dependent activities in the goods flow to reduce the need for completely synchronized operations. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Seasonal stock

1) Stock held to meet seasonal or fluctuating demands.


Safety stock

1) The stock held to protect against the differences between forecast and actual consumption, and between expected and actual delivery times of procurement orders, to protect against stockouts during the replenishment cycle.

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