
05.05.2012 10:11

Метки (тэги, tags):


1) A fast vessel which, when at speed, lifts her hull clear of the surface of the water, supporting herself upon foils, or wings or legs, which project beneath her bottom.



Hydrofoils are used mostly as passenger ferries.

Джерело: Тлумачний англо-російсько-український словник транспортних термінів: 447 термінів. - Одеса: Вид-во ОНМУ, 2007. – С. 24 (287 с.)

2) Fast craft propelled by water jet. Capable of operating at up to 40 knots in rough water providing a smooth ride for passengers. Typically used for ferry crossings. See also Jetfoil.

Source: David Lowe. The Dictionary of Transport and Logistics. Kogan Page, 2002. – P.118 (288 p.)

Метки (тэги, tags):

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