Emergency action code

06.07.2013 08:28

Emergency action code

1) Regarding the UK carriage of dangerous substances by road, the internationally recognized code indicated on vehicle (ie tanker) marking panels (ie Hazchem label).

The code comprises a number (between 1 and 4) and a letter (plus sometimes the letter ‘E’) which together indicates to the emergency services the action they should take to deal with a spillage of the substance (eg ‘2YE’ means apply water fog, wear breathing apparatus, contain substance and consider evacuation of area). This code is sometimes referred to as the Kemler code. Details in The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Regulations 1996 and related statutes.

Source: David Lowe. The Dictionary of Transport and Logistics. Kogan Page, 2002. – P.82-83 (288 p.)

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