
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


European Accident Statement

1) Document devised by insurance companies on which both (or all) parties to a road accident can enter and agree details of the occurrence irrespective of language difficulties. Saves disputes later as to what happened and who said what.


Road traffic accident

1) Accident involving motor vehicle on road in which damage to another vehicle or roadside property occurs or other persons are injured. In the event of such, driver must stop, give his name and address, that of the vehicle owner and the vehicle registration number and report to police as soon as reasonably possible but in any case within 24 hours.


Reportable accident

1) An industrial accident required to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) under RIDDOR.


Accident evaluation

1) The progress of a goods vehicle in terms of speed of travel and distance covered prior to and at the moment of impact in an accident can be accurately determined from its tachograph chart by a scientific process known as accident evaluation – a service provided by specialist firms with the aid of an electronic binocular microscope.


Accident book

1) All firms must have one under RIDDOR in which specified information must be recorded (eg accidents/people employed/ cleaning and painting records).



1) In transport a road traffic accident (RTA) involving a motor vehicle when the driver must stop and fulfil legal obligations regarding the provision of certain information to other persons and reporting to the police.


Авария (accident; average) 

1) ущерб, убытки, причиненные транспортному средству, грузу, фрахту в процессе перевозки.


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