
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Highways Agency

1) Agency of the DTLR responsible for Britain's trunk road network.


Driving Standards Agency

1) Executive agency of the DoT which is responsible for all driver and driving instructor testing and for monitoring Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) standards.


Driver employment agency

1) Employment agency specializing in the provision of licensed LGV drivers (eg Overdrive).


Vehicle Certification Agency

1) Executive agency of the DTLR responsible for carrying out tests on new vehicles, vehicle systems and components to ensure they meet international safety and environmental protection standards and for certification of vehicles under the type approval scheme. See also VCA.


Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency

1) Executive body of the DTLR that has taken over the driver and vehicle licensing work of the DVLC.


Training Agency

1) Formed by government under provisions of Employment and Training Act 1983 to assist people in training for employment and employers in finding suitably trained staff.


Агентство по вопросам снабжения евратома (Euratom Supply Agency)

1) создано в 1957 г. при Европейском сообществе по атомной энергии (Евратом). Цель агентства - обеспечить равноправный доступ своих членов к источникам снабжения расщепляющимися материалами, контролировать цены на такие материалы; ведение учета запасов и ст-ки использования этих материалов, прогнозирование потребности в них и т.п.


Agency driver

1) A temporary driver hired from staff/employment agency firm (eg Manpower organization) to cover for staff shortages/holidays/ illness, etc.


Agency card

1) A form of credit card (usually supplied by fuel companies) issued to drivers to enable them to draw fuel from retail outlets (ie filling stations) away from base.


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