
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Urine-alcohol limit

1) Statutory limit for amount of alcohol in urine above which it is illegal to drive, etc - 107 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of urine. Normally, determination of a drink/driving offence is based on breath/ alcohol test by breathalyzer or blood alcohol test but where this is not possible for medical reasons the urine test may be applied.


Breath alcohol limit

1) Statutory maximum limit (ie 35 mg alcohol in 100 ml of breath) for the alcohol content of the breath of motor vehicle drivers above which an offence is committed. See also Breathalyzer and Blood alcohol limit.


Blood alcohol limit

1) Statutory maximum limit for the alcohol content of blood of motor vehicle drivers above which (ie 80 mg alcohol per 100 ml blood) an offence is committed.


Alcohol problem

1) Motor vehicle drivers convicted for having an excess of alcohol in their breath/blood may be officially classed as having an ‘alcohol problem’ if the levels of alcohol found are particularly high or the offence is repeated. Such persons have to prove they no longer have a ‘problem’ before their driving licence is restored.


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