Plaque (calibration)
1) Regarding tachograph calibration, etc, small sticker (ie plaque) fixed inside body of instrument indicating date of calibration and technical details. Sealed with clear film and illegal to tamper with.
Plaque (calibration) 1) Regarding tachograph calibration, etc, small sticker (ie plaque) fixed inside body of instrument indicating date of calibration and technical details. Sealed with clear film and illegal to tamper with. Re-calibration 1) In connection with tachographs, the re-calibration of an installation either following repair or, in any case, as required by law no later than six years after a previous calibration (date indicated on plaque in instrument). Calibration 1) The task of correlating the accuracy within which a piece of equipment operates, ie to a pre-determined standard. In transport, the calibration of tachograph installations (ie following installation in vehicles and repair and at six-yearly intervals) to ensure that the operation of the instrument and the recordings made conform to legal requirements; the measurement of tank capacities for road tanker vehicles; the measurement of bulk-carrying vehicle bodies.
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