Running costs
1) The (variable) costs of running a vehicle (eg fuel, tyre costs and maintenance) as opposed to the fixed costs of ownership.
Running costs 1) The (variable) costs of running a vehicle (eg fuel, tyre costs and maintenance) as opposed to the fixed costs of ownership. Operating costs 1) The costs incurred in operating vehicles or other transport modes. Usually includes both fixed and variable costs and overheads. Establishment costs 1) Transport term for the costs of running the haulage ‘establishment’ (ie the premises/yard/office/workshop, etc). In general accounting these would be called overhead costs. Stockout costs 1) The economic consequences of an internal or external stockout such as missed sales, delayed deliveries, anticipated lower sales in the future because of loss of goodwill, costs resulting from production stoppages and all kinds of associated costs. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG) Издержки обращения (distribution costs) 1) затраты, связанные с обращением товаров. Включают в себя расходы на упаковку, транспортировку, а также складские расходы.
Variable costs 1) Accounting term denoting costs of operation which vary according to performance. In transport, the costs of running a vehicle (hence running costs) that vary with use (ie fuel, tyre wear, maintenance). Stock carrying costs (or stock holding costs) 1) The total costs associated with holding stock. These costs consist of: Затраты хранения (stockholding (inventory) costs) 1) затраты фирм, связанных с хранением запасов конечных продуктов, незавершенного производства и сырья, с целью обеспечения своевременного обслуживания потребителей или предотвращения нарушений нормального хода производства, вызываемых нехваткой материалов.
Накладные расходы, или косвенные затраты (over-heads or indirect costs) 1) любые затраты, которые не связаны напрямую с производством продукции, т.е. любые расходы, за исключением расходов на основной производственный персонал и основные материалы.
Standing costs 1) Transport industry term for the fixed costs of vehicle ownership (eg VED, insurance, driver wages, etc). See also TIDE. Indirect costs 1) Costs that are not directly attributable to an operation. For example, in road transport the costs of administering a vehicle, but not including the costs which relate directly to its operation (fuel, maintenance, etc). Fixed costs 1) The costs incurred in an operation which are fixed - as opposed to variable costs. For example, VED, insurance costs, etc, which are paid annually and are therefore incurred whether the vehicle works or stands idle - hence reference to them in transport circles as standing costs. See also TIDE. Direct costs 1) In transport, the costs that directly relate to the operation of a vehicle as opposed to indirect costs that are ancillary to the vehicle operation. Marginal costs 1) The costs of producing one further unit of output, or performing above the standard (ie when all fixed/overhead costs have been recovered). In transport, for example, the additional costs of adding an extra delivery when all fixed costs of the route have been covered by the other deliveries (ie leaving just the extra fuel, vehicle wear and driver time to be recovered). Re-order costs 1) The total cost of placing a repeat order for an item either externally with a supplier or for internal manufacture. The costs may include elements to cover: order preparation, administration, IT overheads, correspondence, telephone, transportation, goods inward processing, inspection and for manufacture, batch set up costs and other production overheads. (Source: ILTSupply-Chain Inventory Management SIG) Shortage (or Stockout) costs 1) The economic consequences of an external or internal inability to meet a demand from stock. External impacts can include backorder costs, present profit loss from lost sales and future profit loss from loss of goodwill and reputation. Costs 1) The amount of available resources spent by the sea transport enterprise in connection with an operation or service, or with a series of operations and services.
Постоянные затраты (fixed costs) 1) любые затраты в коротком периоде, которые не изменяются с уровнем выпуска продукции. Они включают в себя такие статьи, как рента и амортизация основного капитала, величина которых не зависит от изменений объемов деятельности.
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