Crown court
1) Court (higher than magistrates court) within English judicial system concerned mainly with criminal jurisdiction and where indictable (ie more serious) offences are tried before a judge (or recorder) and jury.
Crown court 1) Court (higher than magistrates court) within English judicial system concerned mainly with criminal jurisdiction and where indictable (ie more serious) offences are tried before a judge (or recorder) and jury. Magistrates' Court 1) A Court of summary jurisdiction where cases are tried summarily (eg most transport/road traffic offences) before a magistrate (Justice of the Peace - JP) who has only limited powers to penalize. More serious cases requiring higher penalties are tried on indictment at the County Court before a judge and jury (eg causing death by reckless driving). Accountant General of the Supreme Court 1) With whom a deposit of securities must be lodged (value ?500,000) where, subject to the authority of the Secretary of State for Transport, a firm/organization wishes to carry its own liabilities rather than take out motor insurance.
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