
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Cross ply/tyre

1) Vehicle tyre constructed with the ply cords laid at alternative angles (less than 90 degrees) to the peripheral line of the tread. Same as a diagonal ply/bias belted tyre. Now largely replaced by use of radial ply tyres. See also Radial [ply] tyre.


Cross docking

1) Term used, mainly in parcels sector, to describe a technique where bulk loads of parcels arrive at a hub depot and are unloaded, sorted and reloaded to delivery vehicles across a loading bank or dock.


Кросс-трейдеры (Cross-traders)

1) Морские торговцы, которые перевозят грузы между двумя странами на судах, не принадлежащих ни одной из этих стран. Например, зарегистрированные в США суда, перевозящие продукты из Мексики в Испанию занимаются кросс-торговлей.


Cross-trade sea transport

1) International sea transport performed by a seagoing vessel registered in a third country.


Safe to cross

1) Audible (as well as light) signal on pelican crossing indicating that it is safe to cross. Intended to aid poorly sighted people and the blind, etc.


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