Forecast demand
1) The prediction, projection or estimation of expected demand over a specified future time period. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)
Forecast demand 1) The prediction, projection or estimation of expected demand over a specified future time period. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG) Travel demand forecasting 1) An exercise used to determine future travel patterns under given or hypothetical conditions. Used to plan the provision of public transport services or the need to build or expand road or rail networks. Independent demand 1) A classification used in inventory control systems where the demand for any one item has no relationship with the demand for any other item and variations in demand occur because of random influences from the market place. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG) Elasticity of supply and demand 1) Terms which indicate the extent to which demand will respond to changes in price and/or quality. Demand from commuters is generally inelastic (ie will not change much), but travel demand for pleasure purposes may be more elastic. Derived demand 1) Means demand derived from some function other than itself. Thus transport is not in demand for its own characteristics, but for the facility it provides to move people or goods. Dependent demand 1) A classification used in inventory control where the demand for one item has a direct mathematical relationship with the demand for another higher level or parent component and where the demand for that item is ultimately dependent on the demand for the higher level or parent item. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG) Demand management 1) A distribution term relating to the methods of managing customer demands (ie goods ordered with instructions as to where and when required for delivery, etc). Кривая спроса (demand curve) 1) линия, показывающая связь между ценой на благо или фактор производства и величиной спроса в единицу времени.
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