Notional gross weight
1) When necessary to determine maximum gross weights for vehicles/trailers which do not have plated weights (for driving licence purposes) a multiplier is used to convert the ulw to a notional gvw.
Notional gross weight 1) When necessary to determine maximum gross weights for vehicles/trailers which do not have plated weights (for driving licence purposes) a multiplier is used to convert the ulw to a notional gvw. Gross weight (vehicle/axle) 1) The total weight of a vehicle/trailer or vehicle/trailer combination transmitted to the road by all the wheels. Includes load, driver/passenger, loose equipment and fuel. Валовая вместимость судна (gross register tonnage) 1) объем помещений судна, выраженный в регистровых тоннах (1 регистровая тонна - 2,83 м3, или 100 куб. футам), включающий в себя объем помещений под верхней палубой, в надстройках и рубках, за исключением вспомогательных помещений, оговоренных в правилах обмера.
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