
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Hire purchase

1) Financial arrangement whereby a finance company pays for an asset (eg a vehicle) and the buyer repays the company the capital sum plus interest and administrative charges spread over a period of time (say two to three years).


Hire or reward

1) (1) In road haulage this means the carriage of goods for which payment is made - ie as opposed to the own-account* carriage of goods. Where the vehicles concerned exceed 3.5 tonnes gross weight a Standard 'O' licence is required (unless otherwise exempt).


Private hire taxi

1) A taxi that may only undertake pre-booked journeys (ie may not ply for hire in the street).


Contract hire

1) The operation whereby an owner hires a vehicle to the customer for his exclusive use for a given period. Usually contract hire vehicles are painted in the customer’s livery and may be driven by the owner’s driver or the customer’s driver (depending on the contract terms).


Spot hire

1) The hire of a vehicle on a casual (ie one-off or daily) basis rather than on a longer-term contract.


Transport for hire or reward

1) Carriage, for remuneration, of persons or goods on behalf of third parties.


Популярные тэги (tags)

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