
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Order point inventory system

1) An inventory control system for independent demand items where a reorder requirement is generated and sent to a supplier when the on-hand inventory balance reaches a specified level. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Inventory value

1) The value of inventory at either cost or market value. The value of the inventory is usually computed on a first in first out (FIFO), last in first out (LIFO) or average cost basis. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Inventory usage

1) The value of the number of units, or quantity, of an inventory item (stock usage) consumed over a period of time. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Vendor managed inventory (VMI)

1) (1) System whereby a supplier is responsible for maintaining pre-determined inventory levels. (2) An element of inventory stocked by one organization but where the forecast demand, and required stock levels to meet that demand, are calculated by the manufacturer or distributor of the stock items concerned. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)

Source: David Lowe. The Dictionary of Transport and Logistics. Kogan Page, 2002. – P.269 (288 p.)


Inventory shrinkage

1) Losses resulting from scrap, deterioration, pilferage, etc. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Inventory records

1) Records that reflect how much and what kind of inventories a company has on hand, committed (allocated) to work in process, and on order. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Probabilistic (or stochastic) inventory control models

1) An inventory control system where all the variables and parameters used are treated as random variables. It is assumed that the average demand for items is approximately constant over time and that it is possible to state the probability distribution of the demand, particularly during the lead time for replenishment. (Source: ILTSupply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Inventory process

1) Any business process that involves inventory. Includes the receiving of parts, putting them away, and their storage, withdrawal, issue and movement through work in process, while simultaneously tracking their movement and maintaining records of those events and their effects. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Inventory policy

1) A statement of a company's goals and approach to inventory management. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Inventory modelling

1) The evaluation of alternative inventory design characteristics or inventory parameters using analytical or simulation processes to assist management decisions. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Inventory management

1) The effective management of stock, materials, parts and finished products, including additions and deletions (ie control of movements in and out).


Inventory control

1) Management task of keeping check on inventory of goods to ensure none go missing and that stock levels are maintained so that supplies are available where and when required.



1) A detailed list of goods (ie in warehouse or on board a vehicle).


Инвестиция в запасы (inventory investment)

1) инвестиции в сырье, незавершенное производство и запасы конечных продуктов. В противоположность инвестициям в основной капитал инвестиции в запасы постоянно возобновляются в соответствии с динамикой производственного цикла.


Затраты на хранение товарно-материальных запасов (Inventory carrying costs)

1) Издержки, включающие складские расходы, проценты на банковский кредит, страхование, обесценивание и т.д.


Запасы под специальный заказ (Order-dedicated inventory)

1) Материальные запасы, зарезервированные для приоритетного потребителя и отгружаемые ему в первую очередь.


Балансовый учет запасов (book inventory appraisal)

1) способ учета запасов, заключающийся в суммировании запасов товарных на начало периода с объемом поступления товаров и вычитании из полученной суммы объема розничного товарооборота и документального расхода, не являющегося продажей.


Запасы (stock inventory) 

1) часть активов фирмы в виде сырья, материалов, незавершенного производства и конечных продуктов. Интенсивность, с которой фирмы накапливают и истощают свои запасы, влияет на колебания экономической активности.


Inactive inventory

1) Stock of items that have not been used for a defined period. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Perpetual inventory system

1) An inventory control system where a running record is kept of the amount of stock held for each item. Whenever an issue is made, the withdrawal is logged and the result compared with the re-order point for any necessary reorder action. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)

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