Export licence
1) Government-issued document authorizing the export of specified restricted goods.
Export licence 1) Government-issued document authorizing the export of specified restricted goods. Vocational licence 1) Correct name for separate LGV/PSV drivers licences which are now being phased out with the introduction of new EC scheme for unified licences. Unified driving licence 1) New form of driving licence in Euro-licence 1) Term for new type of European Union driving licence now being issued in Interim licence 1) In operator ('O') licensing, the Traffic Commissioner may grant (on request) an interim licence to enable an urgent operation to start pending his consideration of the full licence application. 'O' licence 1) Commonly used abbreviation for goods or passenger vehicle operator's licence. Needed by trade and business users of goods vehicle over 3.5 tonnes gvw (with certain exceptions), and by operators of passenger vehicles for hire or reward services (ie PSV services). Disqualification (of driving licence holder) 1) Driving licence holders can lose the right to drive for a given period when disqualified by the Courts following conviction (or indictment) for certain road traffic (and other) offences (eg drink/driving) or in other cases when the licence holder has incurred 12 penalty points on his or her licence within three years. Standard 'O' licence 1) Form of operators' licence needed for carriage of goods for hire or reward on over 3.5 tonne pmw vehicles - covering national (ie UK) operations only or both national and international operations. Licence variation 1) In connection with goods vehicle 'O' licensing, means an application made to vary the existing licence either by seeking authorization for more vehicles, by notifying change in the ownership of the business or seeking approval to use new/more operating centre(s). Licence suspension 1) Penalty which Traffic Commissioner can impose on goods (passenger) 'O' licence when licence conditions are breached (eg by failing to maintain vehicles as required). Licence revocation 1) Penalty which Traffic Commissioner can impose on goods or passenger 'O' licence when licence conditions are breached (eg by failing to maintain vehicles as required). Trainee driving licence 1) Special heavy goods vehicle driving licence (now large goods vehicle entitlement) for young drivers training under Young Driver Training Scheme. Licence margin 1) In connection with goods vehicle '0' licensing, the difference between number of vehicles authorized on the licence and number currently specified. Licence disc 1) Disc issued when VED is paid (or when exemption is applied for) and when vehicles are added to 'O' licence. Such discs must be displayed in vehicle windscreen - failure to do so is an offence. Licence curtailment 1) Penalty which Traffic Commissioner can impose on goods (passenger) 'O' licence when licence conditions are breached (eg by failing to maintain vehicles as required). Trade licence 1) Licence which authorizes use of vehicle on road without payment of VED. Only available to motor traders/repairers, etc and use restricted to specified purposes. Issued (in form of plates) by LVROs. Restricted 'O' licence 1) Operator's licence available to transporters of their own goods (ie own account) where the carriage is not for hire or reward. Conditions of fitness (ie fit person) and financial standing have to be met but no requirement for professional competence. Vehicles under such licence may carry goods in
Restricted HGV driving licence 1) Heavy goods vehicle drivers' licence which restricted holder to driving vehicles of 10 tonnes maximum gvw - this restriction disappears with the introduction of new EU unified driving licence system. |
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