Heavy lift
1) An aircraft or ship designed and equipped specially for carrying exceptionally heavy items (eg machinery). In road haulage the equivalent would be an abnormal load or 'Special Types' vehicle.
Heavy lift 1) An aircraft or ship designed and equipped specially for carrying exceptionally heavy items (eg machinery). In road haulage the equivalent would be an abnormal load or 'Special Types' vehicle. Fork-lift truck (FLT) 1) Mechanical handling equipment with forks to lift and carry pallets. Used for stacking, etc in warehouses and for vehicle loading/unloading. Mainly electrically powered (by rechargeable battery) for warehouse operations but often gas or diesel powered for external operations. Counterbalanced fork-lift truck 1) A type of fork-lift truck in which the extended forks are counterbalanced by the heavily weighted rear-end of the truck. LIFT 1) Автопогрузчик стреловой для крупнотоннажных контейнеров (container handling lift truck; reach stacker) 1) погрузчик с двигателем внутр. сгорания, предназначенный для переработки контейнеров в портах, на контейнерных терминалах и т.п. Грузоподъемность такого погрузчика составляет обычно 20-50 т.
Air-lift axle 1) Retractable (ie lift-up) axle on vehicle/trailer lifted from road surface by means of compressed air to reduce rolling resistance (for fuel economy reasons) and tyre wear.
Rental (car/truck/trailer/fork-lift truck) 1) Business of renting out (usually on relatively short-term basis) vehicles, etc. Such vehicles used by firms needing extra capacity for short periods or cover for their own vehicles which are temporarily out of service. Top lift 1) Container, etc with capability (ie strength) for lifting from the top (ie by top-lift spreader attachment on gantry crane, etc). Tail-lift 1) Handling equipment attached (mainly) to rear of delivery vehicles to enable driver (single-handed) to load/off-load consignments (frequently in roll-cages/pallets). Raised and lowered vertically or by cantilever, with hydraulic assistance. |
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