Outbound logistics
1) Activities connected with the movement of goods outwards as opposed to inwards. See also Logistics and Inbound logistics.
Outbound logistics 1) Activities connected with the movement of goods outwards as opposed to inwards. See also Logistics and Inbound logistics. Green logistics 1) Logistics operations conducted within a regime where environmental pressures, such as road congestion, air pollution, fuel efficiency and waste minimization are key determining factors in policy decisions. Logistics suppliers 1) Industry term for road hauliers and third party distribution firms that provide logistics services to manufacturers, retailers and other suppliers of goods. Logistics service life-cycle 1) The period of time during which specialized logistics services go through the processes of conception, design, implementation, growth, maturity and then move towards decline, being subsequently replaced by more technologically-advanced concepts and systems. Logistics 1) (1) Total concept covering the planning and organizing of the supply and movement of materials/goods, etc from original source through stages of production, assembly, packing, storage, handling and distribution to final consumer. Реверсивная логистика (Reverse logistics) 1) Процесс возвращения товарно-материальных ценностей (изымаемых товаров, упаковки и отходов, подлежащих вторичной переработке или рециклингу) от потребителя к производителю.
Логістика сервісного відгуку (service response logistic — SRL) 1) процес координації логістичних операцій, необхідних для надання послуг найбільш ефективним способом з точки зору витрат та задоволення запитів споживачів.
Fourth-party logistics 1) Concept whereby the fourth party logistics service provider acts as an interface between the client and a number of its individual logistics service providers. Американское общество транспорта и логистики (American Society of Transportation and Logistics) 1) основано 1 марта
Американская ассоциация логистики (American Logistics Association) 1) основана в
Контрактная логистика (Contract logistics) 1) Предоставление логистических услуг на основе долгосрочного соглашения между отправителем груза и сторонней фирмой.
Логистика 1) (1) Логистика (в широком смысле) — наука об управлении материальными потоками, связанной с ними информацией, финансами и сервисом в определенной микро- или макроэкономической системе для достижения поставленных перед ней целей с оптимальными затратами ресурсов.
Inbound logistics 1) The movement of goods inwards. The collection, receiving, handling and storing of goods moving inwards - returns for repair, replacement, claims assessment, redistribution, etc). Логистическая цепь (ЛЦ) (logistical chain, supply chain) 1) линейно упорядоченное множество звеньев логистической системы (производителей, дистрибьютеров, складов общего пользования и т. д.), осуществляющих логистические операции по доведению материального потока. Reverse logistics 1) Distribution terminology for collecting returns (eg surplus, damaged or recalled goods) and bringing them back to the depot/ warehouse and integrating them back into the system (ie for scrap, repair or replacement, etc). Стратегическая логистика (Strategic logistics) 1) Использование компетенции в области логистики и налаживание партнерских отношений во всех каналах для достижения конкурентного преимущества при создании и развитии долгосрочных логистических союзов с клиентами и поставщиками материалов и услуг.
Total logistics solution 1) Modern j argon for service offered by consultants, etc to firms suffering problems with their logistics/distribution operations. e-logistics 1) Logistics and supply-chain operations being conducted via the Internet, especially the matching of shippers and carriers of goods and the transmission of documentation.
Third-party logistics (3PL) 1) The provision of logistics services by an external provider (ie third-party contractor). |
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