1) In connection with transport, means an illegal act (to park where prohibited, for driver to exceed his driving hours, etc). Invariably, prosecution or issue of fixed penalty notice follows if detected.
Offence 1) In connection with transport, means an illegal act (to park where prohibited, for driver to exceed his driving hours, etc). Invariably, prosecution or issue of fixed penalty notice follows if detected. Road transport offence 1) An offence taken into account when determining the 'good repute' of an 'O' licence applicant or holder. Conviction for one such offence (based on the Traffic Commissioner's assessment of its seriousness) is sufficient to rule against good repute and thus the right to hold a licence. Indictable offence 1) An offence which is sufficiently serious to be tried before a judge and jury in the Crown Court (ie enables heavier penalties to be imposed), for example causing death by reckless driving which could result in imprisonment on indictment. |
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