Bulk (oil) carrier
1) Bulk carrier arranged for the carriage of either bulk dry cargoes or liquid cargoes in the same cargo spaces but not simultaneously.
Bulk (oil) carrier 1) Bulk carrier arranged for the carriage of either bulk dry cargoes or liquid cargoes in the same cargo spaces but not simultaneously.
Auto-Oil Programme (AOL) 1) An EU-inspired programme for setting fuel quality and vehicle emission standards with the specific intention of reducing pollution from road traffic by 2010, and generally the environmental impact of transport.
Auto (Oil) 1) European Commission programme aiming to reduce the five most harmful emissions from vehicle exhausts, ie particulate matter -volatile organic compounds (VOCs), black smoke, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide (NOx).
Heavy oil 1) Correct term for describing diesel oil (as opposed to light oil - ie paraffin, etc). Diesel engines are correctly referred to as heavy oil engines. Gas oil 1) Duty-rebated oil used for industrial purposes and to power contractor’s plant, off-road vehicles and farm vehicles, etc. Coloured with a red dye for distinguishing purposes (hence common name of red diesel) and carries a lower rate of duty than diesel fuel for road vehicles and is therefore illegal for use in such. Rebated heavy oil 1) Diesel (ie heavy) oil on which a reduced rate of duty is payable and illegal for use in road vehicles (with certain limited exceptions such as farm vehicles and construction plant) - but can be used to fuel separate 'fridge motors' (ie refrigeration units), etc. |
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