Journey permit
1) Re international road haulage, a permit authorizing a single return journey from the
Journey permit 1) Re international road haulage, a permit authorizing a single return journey from the Multi-lateral permit 1) Road haulage permit used in international transport for operations between any of the EU member states (but not outside EU). Permits allow haulier any number of journeys in year but for one vehicle only at a time. Allocated by IRFO International driving permit 1) Form of driving 'licence' acceptable internationally but particularly where, for example, normal Road haulage permit 1) Road haulage permit needed to transit/enter countries with which Bi-lateral permit 1) Road haulage permit authorizing goods vehicle to enter or transit a foreign state with which the country of its registration has negotiated such rights - obtainable from International Road Freight Office.
Period permit 1) Form of bi-lateral road haulage permit for international operations which permits unlimited journeys to a specified country during a specified period of time - as opposed to journey permits which cover only single journeys. ECMT permit 1) Permit issued under the auspices of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) and valid for road haulage operations between the states, which are party to the Conference but with exceptions due to shortages of supply. |
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