Night risk clause
1) Found in goods-in-transit insurance policy conditions. Restrictive clause which requires loaded vehicles left overnight to be parked in premises (ie building/yard) which are locked or guarded.
Night risk clause 1) Found in goods-in-transit insurance policy conditions. Restrictive clause which requires loaded vehicles left overnight to be parked in premises (ie building/yard) which are locked or guarded. Stockout risk 1) The accepted risk of having a shortage of stock of an item which is used in calculating the required level of safety stock. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG) War risk 1) An exclusion clause found in contracts and insurance policies which absolves the party (eg the insurer) from meeting claims arising from the perils of war, strife, riots, hostilities, etc. Риск потребителя (consumer's risk) 1) вероятность приемки контролируемой партии продукции при данном плане выборочного контроля, в которой доля дефектных изделий является неприемлемой.
Риск поставщика (producer's risk) 1) вероятность браковки контролируемой партии продукции при данном плане выборочного контроля, в которой доля дефектных изделий является приемлемой.
Risk Prevention Officer 1) Proposed in Risk assessment 1) An employer's legal responsibility to assess the risks to the heath and safety of his workforce and others from the activities of his business or within his premises. All risks cover 1) A form of insurance cover providing protection against ‘all risks’ as opposed to specified individual risks.
Страховая стоимость (value of risk) 1) действительная, фактическая стоимость объекта страхования. Порядок исчисления размера страховой стоимости имеет свои особенности в различных странах и основан на действующем законодательстве и сложившейся практике.
Анализ риска (risk analysis) 1) систематический анализ степени риска, которому подвержены те или иные инвестиционные проекты.
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