
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Freight container safety regulations

1) Regulations which control the standards of construction and conditions of use of freight (ie shipping – ISO-type) containers.


Резервный запас (Safety stock)

1) Дополнительный к основному запас товаров или материалов, предназначенный для удовлетворения непредвиденного спроса или покрытия потребности в чрезвычайных обстоятельствах.


Health and Safety at Work, etc Act of 1974

1) Intended to ensure the health and safety of persons at work. Sets out responsibilities and obligations of both employers and employees and gives powers to inspectors to issue prohibition notices to stop unsafe practices.


Безопасное расстояние, манипуляционный зазор (safety distance)

1) мин. расстояние грузов разл. видов друг от друга в процессе хранения и транспортирования. Величины Б.р. приводятся в правилах перевозок.


Safety stock

1) The stock held to protect against the differences between forecast and actual consumption, and between expected and actual delivery times of procurement orders, to protect against stockouts during the replenishment cycle.


Safety signs

1) Regulations (ie Safety Signs Regulations 1980) requiring that all safety signs comply with specifications laid down (ie warning, prohibition, mandatory and safe condition signs).


Safety representative

1) Under the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 (and the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations 1977) safety representatives may be appointed by recognized trade union.


Safety policy

1) Employers are required to state their policy (in writing) in regard to the health and safety at work of their employees (if more than five) under the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974.


Safety of loads on vehicles

1) DTLR code of practice on this subject (copies available from TSO). Shows how to safely load and secure many different types of goods, etc.


Safety inspections

1) Regarding 'O' licensing, regular inspections of vehicles/trailers for safety purposes which licence applicant/holder promises to carry out. Failure to comply could result in jeopardy of the licence.


Safety in docks

1) Legislation concerned with safety in dock premises -The Docks Regulations 1988. Requires lorry drivers to wear high visibility clothing and hard hats. Also HSC approved code of practice for same Safety in Docks (available from TSO).


Safety glass

1) Glass constructed or treated so that if fractured it does not fly into fragments likely to cause severe cuts. Legally required for motor vehicle windows (ie in case of goods vehicles, windscreen and all windows in front of and on either side of driver's seat).


Safety committee

1) Under Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 provisions, where requested by two or more safety representatives firm must establish safety committee to review safety policy, etc.


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