
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Бесплатный образец (free sample)

1) экземпляр товара, передаваемый безвозмездно потенциальному покупателю, напр., во время проведения кампании по продвижению на рынок к.-л. нового товара.


Random sample cycle counting

1) A method in which the particular parts to be counted are selected from the population of part numbers in a manner that has no inherent bias. In this selection process, each part number has an equal chance of being selected. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Sample stability

1) If a sample produces a particular result, and by increasing the sample size it continues to produce the same result, the sample has stability and can be assumed to be representative of the population.


Популярные тэги (tags)

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