
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Договор морской перевозки (contract of carriage by sea)

1) соглашение, определяющее условия перевозки морем грузов (пассажиров). Основное содержание Д. м. п. грузов заключается в том, что перевозчик обязуется принять от грузоотправителя груз, доставить его в сохранности в предусмотренное договором место назначения и там сдать получателю груза, а грузоотправитель обязуется уплатить обусловленную провозную плату (фрахт).


Unladen sea traffic

1) Sea traffic for which neither goods nor passengers are carried.


National sea traffic

1) Sea traffic between two ports of a national territory or one port sea traffic, irrespective of the country in which the vessel is registered.


Goods carried by sea

1) Any goods moved by sea.


International sea transport

1) Sea transport between two ports (a port of loading/embarkment and a port of unloading/disembarkment) located in two different countries.


Purpose of a sea passenger voyage

1) The reasons for undertaking a voyage are:


Public sea transport enterprise

1) Sea transport enterprise which is principally owned (more than 50 per cent of the capital) by the State or public authorities and their enterprises.



Cross-trade sea transport

1) International sea transport performed by a seagoing vessel registered in a third country.


Cabotage (maritime context), national sea transport

1) Sea transport between two ports (a port of loading/embarkment and a port of unloading/disembarkment) located in the same country irrespective of the country in which the seagoing vessel is registered.


Sea passenger transport link

1) Combination of the port of embarkment and the port of disembarkment of the passenger conveyed by sea whatever itinerary is followed.


Sea passenger disembarked

1) A passenger disembarking from a seagoing vessel after having been conveyed by it.


Sea passenger embarked

1) Passenger who boards a seagoing vessel to be conveyed by it.


Sea passenger

1) Any person who makes a voyage on a seagoing vessel. Service staff assigned to seagoing vessels are not regarded as passengers.


Sea transport

1) Any movement of goods and/or passengers using seagoing vessels on voyages which are undertaken wholly or partly at sea.


Sea voyage

1) Sea traffic from a specified point of origin to a specified point of destination.


Sea traffic

1) Any movement of a sea going vessel at sea.


Sea transport enterprise

1) Enterprise carrying out in one or more places activities for the production of sea transport services and whose main activities according to the value added is sea transport.


Sea going vessel under foreign flag

1) Sea going vessel which is registered at a given date in a country other than the reporting country.


Sea going vessel under national flag

1) Sea going vessel which is registered at a given date in the reporting country.


Seagoing vessel 

1) Floating marine structure with one or more surface displacement hulls.



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