
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Statutory Instrument

1) Document containing statutory regulations/orders, etc. Has designated number SI... and year (eg C&U regulations are SI 1078/ 86). Copies available from TSO. Listed as published in TSO daily list of publications available on subscription.


Statutory break

1) Break of 45 minutes (minimum) required by law when driver within EU rules (ie regulation EC 3820/85) has driven for 4  1/2 hours. Alternatively he may take shorter breaks spread throughout and after the driving period so long as they total 45 minutes and the driving does not exceed 4  1/2 hours.


Statutory attendant

1) An attendant as required by law to accompany a vehicle carrying abnormal or projecting load (depending on dimensions, etc). Required only on first and last vehicles if three or more travel in convoy.


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