
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Cycle stock

1) See Working stock.


Quarantine stock

1) On-hand stock which has been segregated and is not available to meet customer requirements. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Working stock

1) The stock of materials, components and subassemblies (excluding safety stock) held in advance of demand so that ordering can be done on a lot size rather than on an as-needed basis.


Work-in-progress stock

1) The stock of products and/or materials and components which are still in the production department and are not, or are no longer, included in the stock in the store. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Excess stock

1) Any quantity of inventory, either held or on order, which exceeds known or anticipated forward demand to such a degree that disposal action should be considered. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Единица учета запасов (Stock-keeping unitSKU)

1) Наименьший неделимый элемент материального запаса, учитываемый отдельно при хранении на складе.


Available stock

1) The stock available to service immediate demand.


Ассоциация владельцев подвижного состава (Association of Roling-Stock Owners)

1) объединяет частных перевозчиков, грузовладельцев, экспедиторов и другие компании, имеющие на балансе собственный железнодорожный подвижной состав (вагоны и локомотивы). Расположена в г. Москве. Функционирует с 2001 г. Президент - Поддавашкин Э.С.


Buffer stock

1) See Safety stock.


Ассортиментный минимум, минимальный ассортимент (basic stock lists)

1) наименьшее кол-во позиций ассортимента торгового предприятия, которое должно быть постоянно в наличии. См. также Коэффициент устойчивости ассортимента.


Free stock

1) Stock available for immediate delivery (ie to meet immediate demand).


Резервный запас (Safety stock)

1) Дополнительный к основному запас товаров или материалов, предназначенный для удовлетворения непредвиденного спроса или покрытия потребности в чрезвычайных обстоятельствах.


Opening stock

1) The stock of an item at the beginning of an inventory accounting period of time. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Strategic stock

1) The stock of goods of essential importance for the continuation of the production process and which is built up in order to compensate for long hold-ups of incoming goods (caused by strikes and political difficulties, etc in a particular country or region). (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Rolling stock

1) Term to describe rail wagons and carriages, etc. Also occasionally used in respect of goods vehicles, trailers, buses and coaches.


Stock types

1) The products which are determined for delivery from stock. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Stock turnover (or stock turn)

1) A widely used measure of inventory performance expressed as the ratio of the cost of units sold to the average value of stock. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Stock turn

1) (1) The rate at which warehouse stocks (ie inventory) turns over (ie number of times replaced in a given period - usually one year). Generally, it is preferable to have a high stock turn: this indicates fast moving business. (2) The number of times that an inventory turns over during the year and normally obtained by dividing the average inventory value into the annual cost of sales. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Stock site

1) A location at which stock is held.


Stock profile

1) Determination of the composition of stock, its quantity and flow. A technique for analysing product stock and throughput characteristics. Using computer data-base information or statistical summaries, the analysis considers lines, stockholding and throughput rate.

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