Works truck/trailer
1) Legally defined as truck/trailer designed to be used in private premises and used on road only for delivering goods between or to or from premises or vehicles in the immediate neighbourhood. Special rate of VED applies.
Works truck/trailer 1) Legally defined as truck/trailer designed to be used in private premises and used on road only for delivering goods between or to or from premises or vehicles in the immediate neighbourhood. Special rate of VED applies. Customized truck 1) Goods vehicle specially painted (often with elaborate murals) and fitted with chrome/stainless exhaust stacks, bumpers and other trim, alloy wheels, etc and high levels of cab interior trim. Turret truck 1) A type of fork lift truck on which the mast has a rotating head for pallet forks allowing stacking either side of the aisle. In narrow aisle applications, such trucks can operate up to 12-metre heights. Неполная транзитная норма груза для автоперевозок (Less-than-truckload — LTL) 1) Груз, масса которого меньше минимального груза, оплачиваемого по пониженному тарифу согласно правилам классификации грузов. Тариф за перевозку одного килограмма LTL-груза выше, чем для TL-груза.
Ассенизационная автоцистерна (lavatory truck) 1) спец. грузовой автомобиль (цистерна), предназначенный, напр., для приема с борта воздушных и водных судов фекалий и сточных вод и транспортирования их к местам удаления или утилизации; для вывоза с животноводческих ферм навоза в полевые навозохранилища (заглубленные на 1-
Truck mixer 1) Heavy vehicle with cement mixer unit (ie drum) mounted on chassis. Capable of continuing mixing process while travelling. Truck 1) (1) Common term for a heavy lorry. (2) Leading monthly magazine for the truck industry and enthusiasts. Fork-lift truck (FLT) 1) Mechanical handling equipment with forks to lift and carry pallets. Used for stacking, etc in warehouses and for vehicle loading/unloading. Mainly electrically powered (by rechargeable battery) for warehouse operations but often gas or diesel powered for external operations. Bonnet (truck) 1) Term for engine cover. A bonneted truck has the engine ahead of the driver (eg American style, called normal control) as opposed to common European design of being under the driver (called forward control) and where the engine cover (ie bonnet) is inside the cab.
Counterbalanced fork-lift truck 1) A type of fork-lift truck in which the extended forks are counterbalanced by the heavily weighted rear-end of the truck. Stacker truck 1) Type of fork-lift truck used to stack pallets to a height or recover same. Автопогрузчик стреловой для крупнотоннажных контейнеров (container handling lift truck; reach stacker) 1) погрузчик с двигателем внутр. сгорания, предназначенный для переработки контейнеров в портах, на контейнерных терминалах и т.п. Грузоподъемность такого погрузчика составляет обычно 20-50 т.
Pick-up truck 1) Light goods vehicle with an integral open back/load space behind the driving compartment - sometimes called a backie/baccy (eg in Rental (car/truck/trailer/fork-lift truck) 1) Business of renting out (usually on relatively short-term basis) vehicles, etc. Such vehicles used by firms needing extra capacity for short periods or cover for their own vehicles which are temporarily out of service. Pallet truck 1) Warehouse equipment for moving/loading pallets, usually pedestrian controlled and manually operated, or may be powered. Reach truck 1) Fork-lift truck capable of reaching forward to withdraw pallets from racking or from high stacks. CB truck 1) Counterbalanced fork-lift truck. Lift truck with forks (ie tines) ahead of the front axle, which needs a counterbalancing weight at the rear. Advantage is their ability to get close to the warehouse racking or road vehicle, but they require a wide turning area as opposed to reach trucks, which withdraw their forks within the wheelbase.
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