Multi-user distribution
1) A system where a number of clients share a distribution operation (ie as opposed to a dedicated operation).
Multi-user distribution 1) A system where a number of clients share a distribution operation (ie as opposed to a dedicated operation). User of vehicle 1) The person who drives a vehicle or who employs a person to drive it on his behalf (ie both driver and employer of the driver). Key term in transport law - most legislation is aimed at the 'user'. User body 1) An organization (eg a consultative committee) representing the interests of a particular group of customers who use transport services (eg rail users). Some are statutory, having been set up through legislation, while others are voluntary. Абонентский пункт, абонентская станция, терминал (user station) 1) комплекс устр-в ввода-вывода и управления обменом информацией, подключенный через аппаратуру передачи данных к каналу связи для работы с удаленной ЭВМ. Различают программируемые и непрограммируемые, индивидуальные, групповые, прикладные, интеллектуальные и др. А. п.
Shared user solution 1) See Shared user (distribution). Used to be called general haulage. Shared user (distribution) 1) A term used in distribution operations to indicate a system whereby the products of a number of clients are consolidated into economic vehicle loads for particular destinations. |
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