
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Инициативная зона (Enterprise zone)

1) Территория, на которой предоставлены некоторые налоговые льготы с целью стимулирования развития производственной и коммерческой деятельности.


Внешнеторговая зона (Foreign trade zone)

1) Зона, обычно прилегающая к порту или аэропорту, где можно хранить или обрабатывать товары перед таможенным досмотром.


Controlled parking zone

1) A restricted parking/access zone for specific categories of vehicle, normally operated by a fee-paying permit or ‘Pay and Display’ system. Usually patrolled to detect non-payers.


Pedestrian priority zone

1) An area (normally in a town or city centre) where space is reserved for pedestrians at the cost of other road users. Usually paved and with all vehicles prohibited except during specified times for delivery vehicle access.


Parking meter zone

1) Designated area (ie in towns) where parking meters are used to control vehicle parking - indicated by a sign (blue circle with red border and diagonal stripe on white background) which states times when zone is in operation (ie when meters must be used). See also Highway Code.


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