
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Green card

1) International motor insurance green card. Issued by insurance companies to cover vehicle travelling abroad. Ensures that motor vehicle policies provide full cover in the event of an accident abroad.


Travel card

1) An authority to travel usually sold in advance of the j ourney s to be made. Often representing reduced price for a number of journeys or concessionary rates for travel.


Agency card

1) A form of credit card (usually supplied by fuel companies) issued to drivers to enable them to draw fuel from retail outlets (ie filling stations) away from base.


Smart card

1) Plastic card containing magnetic information (or incorporating a micro-chip) as with credit cards and capable of accepting and storing data. To be used with new-style digital tachographs from 2003 for electronically recording driving time and driver's working activities, etc.


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