
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


GUS classification

1) A classification of products into three categories for the benefit of goods flow control and stock control, based on a product’s area of application within a product division. G = General products that may be required in several main article groups or operations centres and are administered centrally in the division. U = Unique products that are used uniquely in one main article group or operations centre but in several of its products, and administered locally in the division. S = Specific products that are used exclusively in one higher-level product, and whose procurement is effected per individual order. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Классы грузов (Classification)

1) Числовые коды, присваиваемые различным типам грузов на основании, главным образом, стоимости погрузочно-разгрузочных работ по видам продукции, массы груза и расстояния, на которое перевозится груз. Класс груза служит базой для определения стоимости перевозки.


Classification Society

1) An independent organization which surveys and inspects ships to ensure their sea-worthiness (eg Lloyd’s Register of Shipping).


ABC classification

1) The classification of inventory, after ABC analysis, into three basic groups for the purpose of stock control and planning. Although further divisions may be established, the three basic categories are designated A, B and C as follows:


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