
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Cycle stock

1) See Working stock.


Cycle counting

1) Cycle counting is the physical counting of stock on a perpetual basis, rather than counting stock periodically. A cycle is the time required to count all items in the inventory at least once. The frequency of cycle counting can be varied to focus management attention on the more valuable or important items or to match work processes. Some of the systems used are:


Цикл заказа (Order cycle)

1) Интервал времени между моментом размещения заказа и получением товаров.


Urban test cycle

1) Regarding official tests to determine fuel consumption for new cars - one of three standard tests conducted to simulate urban driving and not exceeding 50 kph (other tests are constant speed at 90 kph and optional constant speed at 120 kph).


Logistics service life-cycle

1) The period of time during which specialized logistics services go through the processes of conception, design, implementation, growth, maturity and then move towards decline, being subsequently replaced by more technologically-advanced concepts and systems.


Life-cycle assessment

1) Assessment of the whole life of a product or business asset in terms of its development or its cost. In transport, the life-cycle cost of a vehicle is more important than its initial cost - eg the more expensive vehicle may be the cheapest in the long run. See also Tero-technology.


Control group cycle counting

1) The repeated physical inventory taking of a small ‘control group’ of parts, in the same locations, within a very short time frame to verify the design of a new inventory process. It is the only form of cycle counting not truly used to measure inventory record accuracy. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


Деловой цикл, или экономический цикл (business cycle or trade cycle) 

1) колебания уровня экономической активности (фактический валовой национальный продукт), когда периоды депрессий чередуются с периодами бума.


Random sample cycle counting

1) A method in which the particular parts to be counted are selected from the population of part numbers in a manner that has no inherent bias. In this selection process, each part number has an equal chance of being selected. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)


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