
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Fixed penalty ticket office

1) The place where fixed penalties are paid within the statutory period of 28 days, or where application is made for a Court hearing, following receipt of a fixed penalty notice for a traffic offence. The address of the relevant office is given on the notice.


Fixed penalty/notice (ticket)

1) For certain road traffic offences a system of fixed penalties applies whereby the driver is given a notice (ie ticket) giving him the option of paying the fixed penalty (see below) or electing to have a Court hearing.


Penalty points

1) Scheme for penalizing drivers convicted of road traffic offences (short of disqualification) whereby penalty points are added to the driving licence and when 12 such are accumulated in a three-year period the driver is automatically disqualified.


Civil penalty

1) Home Office penalty imposed on truck drivers and road hauliers found with illegal immigrants in their vehicles - currently set at £2,000 per immigrant found. No appeal - only defence is that the Civil Code of Practice was followed.


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