
Материалы, в которых встречается метка (тэг, tag)


Yellow ticket

1) Re fixed penalty notice scheme, ticket (issued only by police) which denotes a driving-licence endorsable offence and therefore one where police must take the driver's licence.


White ticket

1) In connection with fixed penalty system, ticket issued by police or traffic warden for non-endorsable offences.


Fixed penalty ticket office

1) The place where fixed penalties are paid within the statutory period of 28 days, or where application is made for a Court hearing, following receipt of a fixed penalty notice for a traffic offence. The address of the relevant office is given on the notice.


Fixed penalty/notice (ticket)

1) For certain road traffic offences a system of fixed penalties applies whereby the driver is given a notice (ie ticket) giving him the option of paying the fixed penalty (see below) or electing to have a Court hearing.


Багажная квитанция (luggage ticket; baggage check - амер.)

1) перевозочный документ, которым оформляется перевозка багажа. Б.к. имеет свои особенности на отдельных видах транспорта общего пользования. На внутр. воздушном транспорте Б.к. объединена с билетом. Масса ручной клади указывается в Б.к. в удостоверение того, что она взвешена и ее разрешается провозить в салоне самолета.



1) Voucher authorizing travel - usually in the form of a small slip of paper printed with details of the carrier and the journey (date, starting point, destination, route, fare paid, etc) and showing key conditions under which it is issued (ie the carrier's conditions of carriage).


Central ticket office

1) Usually at a police headquarters (or elsewhere) where fixed penalties for traffic/motoring offences have to be paid. Address is to be found on the fixed penalty notice.


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