06.08.2013 09:34 |
Web site
1) A specific site on the World Wide Web exclusive to a firm or organization providing information on its products/services/activities and giving it a 24-hour global presence.
06.08.2013 09:33 |
Way point
1) A point or stopping place on a road, path or track. Often where a journey is, or may be broken, or from which route distances are measured.
Автор: goral
06.08.2013 09:31 |
1) Term that relates to a situation where the right to use a way is granted by the owner (eg the land owner) in return for a payment. Typical use would be to erect pylons and run telephone wires or power cables along the way.
06.08.2013 09:27 |
1) The road or track on which vehicles travel - hence roadway or highway and railway. Can also include a canal or river. Ways may be natural (ie river or sea), natural but artificially improved (ie a river with navigation improvements) or artificial (ie roads and railways).
06.08.2013 09:25 |
1) A guarantee or implied condition of sale (eg in respect of a vehicle or items of plant and equipment). Also in marine insurance policies.
06.08.2013 09:24 |
War risk
1) An exclusion clause found in contracts and insurance policies which absolves the party (eg the insurer) from meeting claims arising from the perils of war, strife, riots, hostilities, etc.
06.08.2013 09:34 |
1) Writing down allowance. Accounting term referring to a tax allowance under which a 25 per cent per annum allowance is made on the residue of capital expenditure (on vehicles, plant and equipment, etc) brought forward from the previous accounts period.
06.08.2013 09:32 |
Way marker
1) A sign on a track or path indicating the route to follow (or a choice of routes) and possibly the distance to the next key point ahead or the final destination.
06.08.2013 09:28 |
1) Non-negotiable document which is evidence of a contract for the transport of cargo. See also Air waybill.
06.08.2013 09:26 |
Warsaw Convention
1) International convention (signed in 1929) governing the carriage of cargo and passengers by air.
06.08.2013 09:25 |
Warning triangle
1) Reflective red triangle to be placed on roadside to warn approaching drivers of a vehicle stopped on the road ahead. Legal requirement to carry and use such in many EU states (eg France, Germany; Spain requires two).
06.08.2013 09:23 |
1) Wireless application protocol. Used in connection with mobile telephone technology.
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