31.07.2013 08:44 |
1) New fangled (Franglais) term for hauliers providing traction only (ie hauling only other firms' trailers).
31.07.2013 08:43 |
1) (1) Grip produced by tyre on road/surface. Essential for forward progress and stability of vehicle. For extra traction, goods vehicles often have twin drive axles. (2) Colloquialism for the provision of haulage with a tractive unit only (ie pulling client's semi-trailers).
Tracking (or tracing) system |
28.07.2013 21:56 |
Tracking (or tracing) system
1) Tracking by means of electronic communications systems and satellite tracking to identify location of goods and/or vehicles (in logistics may extend from tracing products from manufacturing source to final consumer, to determining the precise location of a road or rail vehicle).
28.07.2013 21:54 |
Track access grant
1) Government scheme to provide funds in support of a switch from road to rail. Specifically this grant covers up to 100 per cent of the track charges imposed by the rail track owners Railtrack. Provided for under the Railways Act 1993. See also Freight facilities grant, Section 8 grant and PACT.
28.07.2013 21:53 |
1) Nationality symbol for Turkey - to be shown on the rear of vehicles from that country.
28.07.2013 21:51 |
1) Train protection and warning system. Advanced system to prevent trains passing signals set at red for danger. Using trackside sensors that act like a trip wire, detects when a train is travelling too fast to stop at a red danger signal and automatically applies the brakes. See also SPAD, ATP and ETCS.
31.07.2013 08:44 |
Traction control
1) System used on motor cars to prevent driving wheels slipping or spinning (ie to lose traction). The system operates (in conjunction with the vehicle's anti-lock braking system) by rapidly and continuously applying and releasing the brake on that wheel, helping it to regain lost grip.
31.07.2013 08:42 |
Track-laying vehicle
1) Vehicle which travels on tracks or wheels and tracks (ie as with military tank, etc).
28.07.2013 21:55 |
Track gauge
1) The distance between rail lines. For the UK and Europe the dimension is 1,435 mm (ie 4ft 8 1/2 ins); Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Finland operate on different gauges.
28.07.2013 21:54 |
1) The identification of goods or material used in manufacturing or processing to enable the relevant production batch and material source to be traced in case of subsequent defects. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)
28.07.2013 21:52 |
1) Total quality management. Concept for achievement of quality standards of service offered to customers. See also BS 5750/ISO 9000.
28.07.2013 21:51 |
1) Transport Planning Society. Society for professional transport planners.
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