28.07.2013 13:44 |
1) (1) Top dead centre. A measure of when the piston in motor vehicle engine reaches the top of its stroke. (2) Total distribution costs. The sum of order processing, local delivery, depot fixed costs, inventory and trucking costs.
Обновлено 28.07.2013 13:48 |
28.07.2013 13:43 |
TCM Convention
1) Convention on combined transport operations held in 1969 which agreed ground rules for such and, particularly, relative liabilities of the parties and use of combined transport documents.
28.07.2013 13:41 |
1) (1) Traffic Commissioner. Authority for issuing goods vehicle and PCV 'O' licences and monitoring LGV/PCV driver conduct. Formerly known as the Licensing Authority (LA) when dealing with goods vehicle matters. Also responsible for the performance of operators of local services (timekeeping, etc) and may require miscreants to repay some or all of FDR. (2) Time charter. The hire of a ship for a period of time as opposed to a sailing from one port to another (ie voyage basis).
28.07.2013 13:40 |
1) Total base number. A measure of the viscosity (ie internal friction) of oil.
28.07.2013 13:38 |
1) To be called for. Term used mainly in parcels traffic where the customer calls at the local depot to collect goods rather than waiting for (or having missed) the delivery.
28.07.2013 13:36 |
Tax relief
1) Approved expenses/charges that may be set against earnings/ profits to reduce liability for income/corporation tax, etc.
28.07.2013 13:44 |
1) Transport Development Area. Area designated for transport development (ie with funding allocation, etc).
28.07.2013 13:42 |
1) Transport Committee for London. Operator of the London Lorry Ban.
28.07.2013 13:40 |
1) Telecommande de boite de vitesses. Automatic gearshift system for heavy trucks - product of manufacturer Renault Trucks.
28.07.2013 13:39 |
1) Too bloody late. Slang phrase used as a pejorative about failures in Just in Time (JiT) deliveries in distribution. Likely to be increasingly common as road traffic congestion increases.
28.07.2013 13:37 |
1) Tibbett & Britten Group pic. Major UK haulage and logistics group.
28.07.2013 13:36 |
1) System for establishing tariffs - see Tariff.
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