
ABC curve
01.06.2011 22:14

Метки (тэги, tags):

ABC curve

1) ABC analysis whereby, for example, products or product lines can be categorized into A, B and C groupings where A represents fast movers, B = medium movers and C = slow movers. D usually represents obsolete items. Frequently drawn as a graph (or curve). See also Pareto - a system of analysis taking account of the 80/20 rule whereby generally 80 per cent of sales are for only 20 per cent of products.

Метки (тэги, tags):

ABC analysis
01.06.2011 22:07

Метки (тэги, tags):

ABC analysis

1) A form of Pareto analysis applied to a group of products for selective inventory management controls. The inventory value for each item is obtained by multiplying the annual demand by unit cost and the entire inventory is then ranked in descending order of cost. However, the classification parameter can be varied; for example, it is possible to use the velocity of turnover rather than annual demand value.

Метки (тэги, tags):

Abandoned vehicle
01.06.2011 22:04

Метки (тэги, tags):

Abandoned vehicle

1) A motor vehicle that appears to the authorities to have been abandoned and which may subsequently be removed and disposed of under the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Acts.

Метки (тэги, tags):

AA Roadwatch
01.06.2011 22:02

Метки (тэги, tags):

AA Roadwatch

1) Service of AA providing road reports, information on traffic delays, etc.

Метки (тэги, tags):

01.06.2011 21:56

Метки (тэги, tags):


1) Nationality symbol for Austria – to be shown on the rear of vehicles from that country.

Метки (тэги, tags):

Штивка (stowage)
01.06.2011 08:51

Метки (тэги, tags):

Штивка (stowage)

1) укладка поданных в трюм судна грузов при их погрузке и подача грузов из подпалубного пространства на просвет люка при их выгрузке.

Метки (тэги, tags):

ABC classification
01.06.2011 22:08

ABC classification

1) The classification of inventory, after ABC analysis, into three basic groups for the purpose of stock control and planning. Although further divisions may be established, the three basic categories are designated A, B and C as follows:

01.06.2011 22:06

Метки (тэги, tags):


1) Activity based costing. Accountancy/planning jargon used in the distribution industry.

Метки (тэги, tags):

01.06.2011 22:03

Метки (тэги, tags):


1) Air Accidents Investigation Branch. DTLR agency that investigates air accidents involving UK registered aircraft in the UK or abroad.

Метки (тэги, tags):

01.06.2011 22:01

Метки (тэги, tags):


1) Automobile Association – motoring organization providing roadside breakdown and other support services.

Метки (тэги, tags):

Штурманская расписка
01.06.2011 08:52

Штурманская расписка

1) удостоверение судовладельца в принятии товара к перевозке. Выписывает этот документ помощник капитана в подтверждение получения конкретной партии на борт судна. Расписка описывает видимое состояние товаров и позволяет перевозчику выдать коносамент.

Шипчандлер (ship chandler)
01.06.2011 08:49

Шипчандлер (ship chandler)

1) организация или фирма, поставляющая судам продовольствие и обеспечивающая их техническое снабжение.

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