24.07.2013 09:04 |
1) Supply chain management.
24.07.2013 09:02 |
Schedule E
1) Income tax payable by employee via PAYE system (ie deducted by employer from wage/salary). Based on amount of earnings with certain deductions.
24.07.2013 09:00 |
1) Alert Safety device developed by Scania Trucks to help drivers to keep awake while at the wheel. It bleeps at varying intervals and pitch.
24.07.2013 08:58 |
1) Semi-automatic manual transmission. A form of heavy vehicle gearbox from manufacturer Eaton.
24.07.2013 08:56 |
1) See Project Samovar.
24.07.2013 08:54 |
Sales forecast
1) The prediction, projection or estimation of expected sales over a specified future time period. (Source: ILT Supply-Chain Inventory Management SIG)
24.07.2013 09:02 |
1) The planning and organizing of vehicle loads and journeys to achieve most economic/efficient deliveries. Computer programs available for same. In passenger transport operations, the planning of timetables and services, etc.
24.07.2013 09:01 |
Schedule D
1) Income tax payable by person carrying on profession or business in UK (ie based on profits from such).
Satellite tracking system |
24.07.2013 08:59 |
Satellite tracking system
1) System whereby vehicles can be located by means of signals transmitted from the vehicle to a base via a satellite. Provides accurate, live, location details.
24.07.2013 08:57 |
Sample stability
1) If a sample produces a particular result, and by increasing the sample size it continues to produce the same result, the sample has stability and can be assumed to be representative of the population.
24.07.2013 08:55 |
1) Bacterial disease in humans mainly arising from food. As with Listeria, cause of concern to transporters of chilled and frozen foods because of dangers of such arising if temperatures are not properly maintained.
Автор: goral
24.07.2013 08:54 |
Sale and leaseback
1) Scheme whereby firm sells its assets (ie property/ vehicles, etc) and leases same back from finance house. Means of releasing capital for other purposes yet still providing exclusive use of assets.
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