27.07.2013 09:29 |
SSAP scheme
1) Statement of accounting practice. Basis on which auditors prepare company annual accounts. In case of new SSAP 21, leased vehicle/ plant, etc are shown as assets unlike previously where they were not shown (hence the term 'off balance sheet financing').
27.07.2013 09:27 |
1) Strategic Rail Authority. Created under the 1998 White Paper on Transport to provide a clear, coherent and strategic programme for the development of the railways. It absorbed the functions of OPRAF - the Office of the Passenger Rail Franchising Director.
27.07.2013 09:25 |
1) Scottish Qualifications Authority. Body appointed by DTLR to establish and conduct examination system for Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) qualification.
27.07.2013 09:23 |
Spring brakes
1) Form of vehicle brake designed to provide fail-safe system in event of air loss (ie basically, air holds spring compressed and brakes off, but in failure springs expand and apply brakes - thus fail-safe).
Spray suppressant material |
27.07.2013 09:22 |
Spray suppressant material
1) Material used for making goods vehicle anti-spray devices. Designed to absorb or dissipate the energy of water thrown from the tyre to reduce the degree to which it shatters into fine droplets on hitting the surface (as with Monsanto Clear-Pass, etc).
27.07.2013 09:20 |
Spoke system
1) Distribution system where deliveries to regional distribution centres or direct to customer are made from a central hub. See Hub and Spoke.
27.07.2013 09:28 |
1) Sailing ship.
27.07.2013 09:26 |
1) Safety, quality, reliability systems. A variation on the quality management theme but in this case indicating the ability of firms to react seriously to safety issues through structured risk assessments.
27.07.2013 09:24 |
1) Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive (PTE).
27.07.2013 09:23 |
1) A steel beam used to spread the lifting cables/chains, etc to each end of a container/swap body, etc being lifted for transfer from road to rail or vice versa.
27.07.2013 09:21 |
Spot hire
1) The hire of a vehicle on a casual (ie one-off or daily) basis rather than on a longer-term contract.
27.07.2013 08:59 |
1) Form of gearbox on heavy goods vehicle. Additional set of gears 'splits' main ratios to provide number of intermediate ratios (at about 18 per cent variation on the next up/down gear) to allow more efficient engine/ road speed matching.
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