03.08.2013 20:42 |
Unified driving licence
1) New form of driving licence in UK introduced in conformity with EU directives. Shows all of a drivers entitlements (ie ordinary/LGV/PCV) in a single document using EU system of categorization (eg Class IHGV licence becomes C+E entitlement).
03.08.2013 20:39 |
Unfair dismissal
1) Dismissal of an employee on grounds which are held to be not fair. Employees (after two years' service) have a right not to be unfairly dismissed and may complain to an Industrial Tribunal (within three months) if they are so dismissed.
03.08.2013 20:37 |
1) Multi-modal Transport Convention.
03.08.2013 20:33 |
1) United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport. Internationally agreed standards and guidelines for the electronic interchange of commercial data.
03.08.2013 20:31 |
1) Refers to the undertakings (ie legally binding promises) given by 'O' licence applicants and holders to the Traffic Commissioner in connection with their 'O' licence - penalties against the licence may follow if the law is broken or undertakings are not kept.
03.08.2013 20:29 |
1) United Nations Commission on International Trade and Law.
03.08.2013 20:41 |
Unfit driver
1) Vehicle driver who is not fit to drive due to the effects of drink/drugs. Also, re LGV driver entitlement, driver who by his conduct has shown himself not fit to hold an entitlement to drive heavy vehicles -decided by TC who may penalize the entitlement.
03.08.2013 20:38 |
Unfair contract terms
1) Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977. Intended to eliminate from contracts clauses that aim to deprive parties (ie consumers) of their rights in law and of rights to duty of care. See Negligence.
03.08.2013 20:35 |
1) Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe. Europe-wide association of trades unions.
03.08.2013 20:32 |
Undervalued currency
1) A currency whose rate of exchange is persistently above parity.
03.08.2013 20:30 |
1) United National Conference on Trade and Development. Organization concerned with developing trade between members nations of UN.
03.08.2013 20:29 |
1) Vehicle/trailer or semi-trailer shipped by ferry/rail without the driver. Collected at other end of transit by a local driver. In a passenger transport context it would mean the carriage of unaccompanied minors (ie children) by airlines for example.
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