03.08.2013 09:22 |
1) Through transport operator. A name given to a carrier who contracts to carry goods, but who only undertakes part of the carriage himself (for which he acts as the principal), contracting out the remainder of the carriage (acting only as agent) to one or more further carriers.
03.08.2013 09:21 |
1) Turbine steamship. A ship powered by a steam turbine fuelled by coal or oil.
03.08.2013 09:19 |
1) Transport supplementary grant. Grant payable by the government via the DTLR to local authorities in respect of the primary route network (PRN) for major schemes (ie costing Ј2 million or more) on roads of more than local importance; assessment, strengthening and structural maintenance of bridges and other load bearing structures; and structural maintenance of the carriageway of primary routes and other A roads.
03.08.2013 09:17 |
1) A trunk vehicle (ie a vehicle used for long-haul journeys) or a trunk vehicle driver.
03.08.2013 09:16 |
1) Stopping places (usually on main routes) especially for goods vehicle drivers with all facilities for vehicle and driver (fuel, spares, food, refreshments, accommodation and showers, etc).
03.08.2013 09:12 |
1) Common parlance for road haulage operations.
03.08.2013 09:22 |
1) Telegraphic transfer. A system for making international payments via a bank (ie the payment is telegraphed to the payee).
03.08.2013 09:20 |
1) The Stationery Office. Privatized successor to HMSO. Publisher of parliamentary and statutory documents, plus EU and other official publications.
03.08.2013 09:18 |
1) The long haul leg of a journey between base and the delivery point. The leg of the journey between the local collection and delivery at either end of the journey.
03.08.2013 09:16 |
1) A regular route or service with a constant or relatively high level of traffic flow. The main artery of the network (eg a motorway or main rail line).
03.08.2013 09:15 |
1) Truck industry buzzword originally attributed to heavy vehicle manufacturer MAN and taken up by Reed Business transport magazines as the title for a supplement issued with these journals.
03.08.2013 09:12 |
Truck rental
1) See Rental.
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