03.08.2013 20:28 |
UN number
1) Internationally recognized code numbers for dangerous substances established by the UN (eg, for conveyance by road, as displayed on Hazchem labels, etc).
Автор: goral
03.08.2013 20:26 |
1) Unladen weight. The weight of a vehicle inclusive of its body and parts normally used but exclusive of the weight of water, fuel, loose tools and equipment and batteries (but only where these power the vehicle).
03.08.2013 20:25 |
1) Ultra low sulphur gas oil. Environmentally-friendly form of rebated heavy oil (ie basically diesel fuel on which a lower rate of duty has been paid) used in fork-lift trucks, etc. Illegal if used in on-road vehicles. See also ULSD.
03.08.2013 11:09 |
1) Space above the level of the liquid in a tank/drum. Sometimes deliberately left to allow for expansion of the liquid. Usually expressed as a percentage of the total volume.
03.08.2013 11:08 |
1) Ultra large crude carrier. A large ship for carrying bulk products, usually crude oil or ore. See also ULBC.
03.08.2013 11:06 |
1) United Kingdom Warehousing Association. Trade association for warehousemen.
03.08.2013 20:27 |
1) United Nations. International body concerned with peace. Formed by the nations united against the axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) in World War II (1939-45). Sets legislative and other standards for shipping and for dangerous goods carriage.
03.08.2013 20:25 |
Ultra vires
1) Legal term meaning action beyond one's (legal) power or authority. Defined by the Oxford Companion to Law as 'a doctrine important in relation to the acts or contracts of public authorities, companies and others whose powers are limited by statute or constituting deed'.
03.08.2013 11:10 |
1) Ultra low sulphur diesel. Type of diesel fuel (also known as City Diesel), which is claimed to reduce sulphur emissions by 90 per cent and dramatically reduce the emission of particulates (a harmful concoction of fine dust and black smoke).
03.08.2013 11:09 |
1) Unit load device. A unit for loading cargo (a container, pallet, stillage, airfreight igloo, etc).
03.08.2013 11:07 |
1) Ultra large bulk carrier. Ship for carrying bulk materials. See also ULCC.
03.08.2013 11:06 |
1) United Kingdom Agricultural Supply Association. Trade association for agricultural organizations concerned with, among other things, establishing a code of practice for road hauliers to improve cleanliness and safety in the carriage of food grains.